To all hope’ful’ romantics

There’s an inexplicable charm about all things old-fashioned. Vintage clothing, architecture and mannerisms. Then there is knee-buckling romance that steals the show.

Stuff they show you in mushy, heartbeat-skipping movies or scintillating words you devour in a timeless classic. Plots, actions and dialogues that mess with your head in ways unimaginable. And though you may think you have ‘grown out of it’ at a certain age, you never really have. Somewhere in the background there still hovers a floating universe with the perfect romance, enclosed in the perfect heart balloon. That’s what I realize when I see a 50-year-old woman smile with a coy ecstasy every time she sees the real deal. Not just love, but old-fashioned, boy-swooping-girl-off-her-feet giddy romance.

I love that woman’s smile. It speaks of love. It doesn’t speak of loss or regret. It speaks of a strange contentment with whatever form of love she found. It speaks of a shared history among millions of little girls who once dreamed of Prince Charming. And wrote their own version of a happy beginning and a happier middle – forever knowing that the end is never as important. It speaks of a woman’s innate desire to be loved to bits. It speaks of a realization that everyone has a different love story but an equally amazing one. It speaks of a lot of crazy in our over-imaginative heads.

I believe I’ll be that 50-year-old some day.

National Blog Posting Month - November 2014

I am participating in the National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) – November 2014. This is an awesome venture of In their own words:

“Every November, thousands of bloggers commit to posting daily. But it’s about much more than getting that post up—it’s about community and connection. It’s also about honing your craft, challenging yourself, and taking your blog to the next level.”

I will write every day of November. This is my third post.

#NaBloPoMo – Day 3

6 thoughts on “To all hope’ful’ romantics

  1. This gives me a fond memory of a time when I was young and had agreed to meet a young man from my hometown that I hadn’t seen for months for coffee in the lobby of an elegant hotel in New York City. As we greeted each other with smiles and hugs, two older women came through the door in their finery and minks and, observing us smiling and hugging, beamed at us as one said to the other: “It’s so nice to see young people in love”. The funny part was, my friend was a hairdresser in New York and had absolutely NO interesting in being in love with me, a female:0))


Any inkriching words for me:)?