On awards and self-indulgence

 Drumroll —– Award time people! I am honored to receive the award titled: A very inspiring blogger award! Thank you Nicole Davis – Triumphant Wings :)!!! Nicole is a poignant and powerful writer who inspires through everything that she writes. As for me,I believe awards are great for self-indulgence and they make you gloat like a plump duck. But the thing with awards is, I never feel good enough for them. That’s just me. (Or an evil modest doppelganger. Who knows.) On a serious note I think I have a long way to go in the inspirational department. But this nomination will do good to remind me that I better hurry! Thanks again Nicole:)

Rules for accepting the award nomination:

  1. Thank and link the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.

Seven facts about me:

1. I had my first ice cream sandwich when I was nine. After a hiatus of twenty-one years, I had my second. Lets just say that love stood the test of time.

2. I can strike a conversation with anyone!  In fact I think I’m so good at small-talk that I feel obligated to extend a helping hand to all aspiring small-talkers out there

3. I haven’t read the entire Harry Potter series. Yeah yeah, hang me.

4. To me red lipstick is something that always looks good on others, but never on me. Therefore I stay away.

5. I love a good, belly aching, tear spurting, snorting laugh.

6. I have the memory of a goldfish suffering from amnesia

7. I am great with secrets. (Hint: point no. 6 )

Fifteen inspirational bloggers I am nominating:

  1. Irene Waters – Reflections and Nightmares
  2. Archita Mitra – Life Half Glass full
  3. Archita – A journey called life
  4. Laura Gabrielle Feasey
  5. My renaissance blog
  6. Writer’s notebook – Elaine Canham
  7. Claudette – To search and to find happiness in everyday
  8. Pavanneh – Because I can
  9. Truth Shall Set You Free So Don’t Be A Crybaby
  10. eat all fresh
  11. The Odd Things
  12. U Be Cute
  13. w.t.f
  14. A mom’s blog
  15. Mostly true stories of K. Renea P

13 thoughts on “On awards and self-indulgence

  1. Wow NS!! Always knew you were way way better than the deal you got. But “connecting the dots” this is how you were destined to come into your own. Amazing is the only word that comes to my mind and how very lucky and immensely proud your parents, husband, family – and in due course your children – must be. Happy writing!!


Any inkriching words for me:)?